
Hear what some of our audience say about DataWagashi.

"One of the few experimental design projects I've seen that balance the subjective (e.g. personal associations with certain flavors, smells, colors, forms) and the objective/quantitative (climate data, geological data, etc). Often experimentation in design can diverge (becoming too open ended and unrelatable) or converges and becomes rigid, leaving no room for inspiration and imagination. In other words, Tiange and I-yang avoided getting lost in the creative sauce as well as analysis paralysis.

It was inspiring to see a balanced process and the Wagashi is documented so well and looks delicious and beautiful!"

Majed bOU Ghanem

New York City, NY

"DataWagashi is a highly original celebration of data communication in the climate era. With the deluge of data that tells us the future we're heading toward, it's more important than ever to make that data meaningful and actionable. DataWagashi is a beautiful and unique exploration of that."

jaz henry

Chicago, IL

"Absolutely brilliant and beautiful. This preview has already changed the way I think about mediums to understand and engage with data meaningfully."

rebecca bass

Los Angeles, CA

"I have been lucky to see Tiange and I-yang's talk and its delicious in every possible way. Definitely recommend and hope more peeps have the joy learning about climate this way!"

tatjana dzambazova

San Francisco, CA

"Thank you so much for coming and being a part of the Cambridge Science Festival this year! The program was so engaging, fun, and unique. I heard a lot of good feedback while I was in the room next door.

You can really see the thinking happening in the participants eyes . Looking forward to future collaborations!"


Cambridge, MA

"I had the pleasure to attend Tiange and I-Yang’s event in Boston Seaport and was deeply impressed by their innovative ideas and results!

Unlike anything I’ve seen before, their wagashi—a Japanese dessert— ACTUALLY manifested all the images and information they intended to. The concept could seem obscure at the first glance, but I strongly recommend anyone interested in new art forms and mediums to check out their work, or even better, join an in-person session, where you’d get to taste their Wagashi!"

Zhixing Fei

Boston, MA

"Love this approach to taking something complex like climate data and making it accessible, visceral and joyful so that people can connect with it and find meaning."

michelle lee

San Francisco, CA

"As a designer focusing on green impact, I love love love your work and it makes climate stories so clear and easy to act upon."

asuka kondo

Tokyo, Japan

"As someone who enjoys ideating across disciplines it was encouraging and inspiring to see this project. It is so complete and polished and organized ~ I found the four explorations so thorough and visually clear, and was blown away by the rigor of your approach to the project and of course by the beautiful outcome."

stephanie blanco

Berkeley, CA